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  • Warwick Statistics Society Exec

Welcome to WSS Website

To start off the small blog section of our website, it only feels right to reflect upon our last academic year of Warwick Statistics Society.

After difficult times for all societies, what with lockdowns and restrictions on social events, we bought back one of the key elements of the society: Stats Café.

Possibly the most notable Stats Café of the last year include having Rolf the Campus Cat as our Christmas guest! It has been great to finally meet and feel a sense of community within the society, so thank you to everyone who has shown up over last year! We hope to continue to grow our Stats Cafe's and offer the most academic, social and wellbeing support for anyone who needs it!

We have had many academic talks in the last year, from external companies, staff members and even students! Thank you to everyone who supported these talks - by running them, taking part or being the speakers.

Of course, speaking of academic events, we couldn't possibly leave out the competitions set up this year, such as Warwick Maths and Statistics Competition, Warwick Quant Championship and an Olympic Datathon. We hope to get even more participants and collaborate with even more societies in this new upcoming year!

Social Events over the last year have also been popular - reintroducing circling, pub crawls, poker tournaments and games nights. We have offered a range of events to cater to everyone's tastes and include as many people as possible. We aim to organise our events next year termly, and keep an updated calendar available on all platforms so as many students as possible can attend!

Some particular highlights of the year were the Warwick Maths and Stats Masquerade Ball, hosting our first circle since the pandemic, the annual BBQ and our wellbeing day!

Our Sports Teams within the society have also become massively successful within the last year - our championing football team did incredibly! And our brand new badminton team was introduced!

We plan to introduce a netball team in the next year which will hopefully hold the same success!

Overall, a big thank you to our previous exec for a great year for WSS!

Our new exec will build upon it and keep growing our society! :)

President: Rikhil Vachhani

Vice President: Hayley Ngan

Secretary: Miacarla Chapman

Treasurer: Grace Tan

Social Secretaries: Natalie Upton & Riccardo Romio

Welfare Officer: Raihanah Lukman

Sports Officer: Carter Setiaputra

Academic Events Officer: Peter Matthews

Careers Officer: Charlotte Quennesson

R Course Coordinator: Neel Shah

Academic Support Officers: Martin Gbúr & Andy Song

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